Kunst D.V. (Neo)calvinistische perspectieven op esthetica, kunstgeschiedenis en kunsttheologie, eds. Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker and Roger D. Henderson. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn Motief, 2020. ISBN 978-94-6369-070-6 [Dutch]
Selected Chapter Titles:
"Verbeelding, kunst en civil society: een nieuwe kijk op neocalvinistische esthetica" (pp. 223-46), and "Verlossende kunstkritiek: Earth’s Lament van Joyce A. Recker"(pp. 247-52) [Dutch translation by Arend Smilde and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker] by Lambert Zuidervaart
"De aureool van de menselijke verbeelding" (pp. 169-192), and "De betekenis van de kruisiging: Grünewald en Perugino" (pp. 193-7) by Calvin G. Seerveld
"Calvijn en kunst: zuivere visie of blinde vlek?" (pp. 51-60), "Kunst, lichaam en gevoel: Nieuwe wegen voorde calvinistische esthetica," (pp. 253-271), and "Chris Ofili: Hedendaagse kunst en de terugkeer van religie" (pp. 272-278) by Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin
Find it on: Buijten & Schipperheijn
Kunst D.V. is a handsome, hefty volume (374 pages, untranslated) in the Dutch language. After a succinct introduction there are four sections. The editors and Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin explicate the roots of the Calvinian faith-thought tradition toward the arts found in Jean Calvin, Abraham Kuyper, and Dooyeweerd. Then Hans Rookmaaker, E. John Walford and James Romaine exemplify how art history can be done in a perspective sensitive to a Christian world-and-life vision. Calvin Seerveld, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lambert Zuidervaart, and Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin show how their communal focus on aesthetic theory can contribute to understanding imaginative and artistic realities. Finally the "theology of art" tack is introduced by Wessel Stoker, William Edgar, and Victoria Emily Jones. The many colour reproductions are of excellent quality, the notes are substantial, and various of the authors take issue with the characteristic ideas of the other writers for a lively, open-ended, up to date introduction to the important contribution made by thinkers regarding art and aesthetics in the line of Reformational Christian philosophical reflection.— Calvin G. Seerveld